Importance of taking a pause before the stressful moment

February 16, 2023 by Sanjiv Parikh


“It’s all in your head, you just need to relax!” Have you ever been told this before? When you are stressed, have you felt that you are not performing at your optimal level? Many studies suggest that 98% of our day, we operate out of our subconscious minds and use appx 2% of our conscious mind throughout the day.  

Stress is a mental reaction to a situation – primarily based on our past experiences and memories situated in our subconscious mind. When facing a rush of thoughts and emotions, if we take a pause, we switch from our subconscious mind to our conscious mind and suddenly we come to the present moment and see things a bit more clearly.  

Pausing before a stressful moment can be helpful in several ways.  

Benefits of Taking a Pause

  1. An intentional pause allows you to take a break and collect your thoughts, which can help you to regroup and refocus on the task at hand. 
  2. It allows you to take a step back and assess the situation more objectively. This can help you to think more clearly and come up with a plan of action. 
  3. It can improve your decision-making abilities: When you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it can be difficult to think clearly and make good decisions. Taking a pause can help you to calm your mind and make more informed decisions. 
  4. It can help you to stay in control of your emotions: Pausing before a stressful moment can help you to keep your emotions in check. This can prevent you from reacting impulsively or making rash decisions. 
  5. It allows you to take a deep breath and calm your mind and body: When you're feeling stressed or anxious, it's natural to take short, shallow breaths. Pausing to focus on your breath and taking a few deep breaths can help to calm your body and mind. 
  6. It allows you to take a step back and gain perspective: When you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and lose sight of the bigger picture. Taking a pause allows you to take a step back and consider the situation from a different perspective. 
  7. It can help you to communicate more effectively: A pause can also give you time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. This can help you to communicate more effectively and make your point more clearly. 
  8. It gives you time to plan and prepare: Taking a pause can allow you to come up with a plan for how to handle the situation, which can help you to feel more in control and less overwhelmed. 


Overall, pausing before a stressful moment can help you to stay calm, think clearly, and communicate effectively, which can ultimately help you to manage the situation more effectively. Pausing before a stressful moment can be a helpful strategy for managing stress and maintaining emotional balance.  

There are several reasons why taking a pause can be beneficial: Overall, pausing before a stressful moment can be a simple but effective way to manage stress and improve your overall well-being.